Connect a HTTP Device via Gateway
Introduction to LwM2M Gateway
The LwM2M (Lightweight Machine to Machine) Gateway consists of two main components: an LwM2M client that connects to the LwM2M server and an HTTP client that connects to deviceShifu. The LwM2M Gateway enables deviceShifu to adapt to the LwM2M protocol, handle requests from the LwM2M server, and push data to the cloud, fulfilling the two major functions required by the LwM2M protocol: the capability to pull data from the device and post data from the cloud to the device.
Get the Example and Deploy LwM2M deviceShifu
We'll demonstrate the integration using an HTTP-based thermometer as an example. You can find the corresponding templates in lwm2m_gw_http. These templates can be modified to integrate other HTTP protocol devices. To ensure our Gateway operates correctly, we need to modify several configuration files.
Configure the edgedevice.yaml
Before device integration, you need to edit the device's edgedevice.yaml
file. In this case, we're modifying lwm2m_gw_http\deviceshifu-thermometer\thermometer-edgedevice.yaml
sku: "Thermometer"
connection: Ethernet # Device network connection method
address: # Device network address
protocol: HTTP # Communication protocol between gateway and device
gatewaySettings: # Additional gateway configuration settings
For gatewaySettings
, we need to further configure the device Gateway Configuration for LwM2M-server Integration.
Configure deviceShifu's configmap.yaml
Before gateway integration, we need to configure the commands that the gateway can receive in deviceShifu, along with corresponding instance objects (ObjectId) and data types (DataType). Additionally, we need to configure deviceShifu telemetry settings to enable periodic data collection and transmission to the LwM2M-server. In this case, we're modifying deviceshifu-thermometer\deviceshifu-thermometer-configmap.yaml
instructions: |
defaultTimeoutSeconds: 8
read_value: # The name of the command you want to set
ObjectId: /3442/0/130 # Device instance object ID
DataType: float # Data type
telemetries: |
device_health: # Specify deviceShifu device health monitoring configuration
instruction: get_status
initialDelayMs: 1000
intervalMs: 1000
Configure LwM2M-gateway Settings
After configuring deviceShifu, we need to set up corresponding configurations on the Gateway side. In this case, we're modifyingdeviceshifu-lwm2m\lwm2m-deviceshifu-configmap.yaml
instructions: |
read_value: # Corresponding configuration
ObjectId: /3442/0/130
EnableObserve: false
Deploy LwM2M deviceShifu
We'll take connecting a HTTP-based thermometer as an example. Below is the general data flow of our access:
- First, we deploy the corresponding LwM2M gateway. The code is located in
. Let's deploy them in the cluster.
kubectl apply -f examples/lwm2m_gw_http/deviceshifu-lwm2m
- Deploy and run the Device Adapter: deviceShifu-HTTP
kubectl apply -f examples/lwm2m_gw_http/deviceshifu-thermometer
- Ensure device connection. Our example includes a virtual thermometer device for your testing convenience.
The kubectl
command allows you to view the status of deviceShifu:
$ kubectl get pods -n deviceshifu
deviceshifu-lwm2m-deployment-794ddd9978-z7lcq 1/1 Running 2 (44m ago) 44m
deviceshifu-thermometer-deployment-b98fbbcf8-6g69b 2/2 Running 3 (42m ago) 43m
Running Results
We can check our service status using the following command:
$ kubectl get svc -n deviceshifu
deviceshifu-lwm2m-service NodePort <none> 80:30080/TCP,5683:30000/UDP 47m
deviceshifu-thermometer LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31703/TCP 46m
We can start an Nginx container and perform a simple test:
kubectl exec -it nginx -n deviceshifu -- bash
The following is to get the value through LwM2M-gateway:
$ curl deviceshifu-lwm2m-servicece.deviceshifu.svc.cluster.local/read_value